Higher-Quality Eco-Friendly 100% Hand Wash, Wax, and Detail Services - Team Blue is truly different! Cars are washed the old-fashioned way … only with hands to provide a higher-quality wash and the tender loving care your vehicle deserves. No tunnels, no conveyors, and tunnel automated machines that can cause damage. Enjoy a clean and beautiful waiting area with plenty of flat screen tv's, and complimentary Starbucks coffee.

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State College, PA

Remodeled Detail Bays with Daytime Availability – Schedule Your Vehicle Detail Today!

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Creating Satisfied, Loyal Customers Who Refer Our High-Quality Services To Their Family And Friends Is A Team Blue Core Value.

“Being a car fanatic and one who never let's anyone clean my car but me, it is the closest I have ever gotten to the same level of results as I look for when I do it myself. High degree of professionalism and personal touch...better than you can do in your own driveway.”

Team Blue State College

State College, PA

( Actual Customer )

“Being a car fanatic and one who never let’s anyone clean my car but me, it is the closest I have ever gotten to the same level of results as I look for when I do it myself. High degree of professionalism and personal touch…better than you can do in your own driveway. Many special services available for those that really want the personal touch, including protective finish products, personal detailing and now a same day wash-n-wax service...all of which are better than anywhere else I have experienced."

Team Blue State College

State College, PA

( Actual Customer )